Informed Solutions has been appointed to maintain and improve the Learn from Patient Safety Events (LFPSE) service for NHS England and NHS Improvement.
NHS England and NHS Improvement’s national patient safety team is a critical component of the healthcare service working to improve patient safety in the NHS. This is largely done through the implementation of the NHS Patient Safety Strategy, which was published in 2019, to support the NHS to continuously improve patient safety, building on the foundations of a safer culture and safer systems. This includes leveraging advancing technologies, data analytics and machine learning to learn from incidents and improve and enhance patient safety.
The Learn from Patient Safety Events service is a vital tool underpinning this, providing a single central service to record, access and encourage learning from patient safety incidents. This will ensure safety improvements are delivered at all levels of the health system by promoting high-quality data sharing, which will allow earlier detection of risks or patterns, and generate actionable data-driven insights for healthcare professionals.
Informed Solutions will work collaboratively with NHS England and NHS Improvement to deliver the improvement, and maintenance of this service, incorporating the latest interoperability standards, decommissioning legacy systems, and facilitating knowledge transfer to the national patient safety team. We will also work to maximise data completeness, availability, and collaborative working, whilst exploring the benefits that machine learning and natural language processing (NLP) can bring to further improve the use of data to identify actionable insights.
UK CEO Seth Finegan comments: “This innovative piece of work is a fantastic example of harnessing the power of information and technology to improve our healthcare system and improve patient safety. We are delighted to be part of such a critical project, which will allow NHS staff to continue delivering high quality, safety-assured care, particularly as we transition into the post-covid era.”